王國 (Kingdoms)
890 元->600 元
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呼嘯山脈 (Whistle Mountain)
3200 元->2200 元
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Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Edge of the Earth: Investigator Expansion (詭鎮奇談卡牌版第七循環:闇與地球之界 調查員擴充)
1800 元->1400 元
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Codenames: Deep Undercover (機密代號:深度臥底)
1150 元->900 元
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七大奇蹟 (7 Wonders)【受潮】
1500 元->800 元
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Railways of the World (10th Anniversary Edition)
4400 元->3000 元
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The Mind Soulmates (心靈同步:靈魂伴侶)
700 元->500 元
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Arkham Horror: The Card Game – In The Clutches of Chaos (詭鎮奇談卡牌版第四循環第5擴)
680 元->450 元
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