上游通路已絕版(oos),可按缺貨登記(有重刷時通知您) : 這個商品基本上國內外很難找到,已經絕版要等廠商重刷,短時間內機率不高,有按缺貨登記的話,之後能訂到時會通知
Out of stock from the supplier (oos), you can register for restock notifications (we will notify you when it restock): This product is hard to find both domestically and internationally and is currently out of print. There's a slim chance it will be reprinted in the short term. If you register for restock notifications, we will inform you once it becomes available.
此商品上游已絕版,可能還剩最後1個(last one):這個商品基本上國內外很難找到,已經絕版但我們庫存系統上面還有一個,下單時會幫您找出確認
This product is out of print from the supplier, potentially only 1 left (last one): This product is hard to find both domestically and internationally. Even though it's out of print, our inventory system indicates that there is one unit left. We will confirm its availability when you place an order.
Supplier is out of product (oop), you can register for restock notifications (we will notify you when restocked): Currently, the supplier cannot provide this product. It may be reprinted after some time.
此商品上游已斷貨,可能還剩1個(last one):這個商品廠商目前訂不到,但我們庫存系統上面還有一個,下單時會幫您找出確認
This product is out of stock from the supplier, potentially only 1 left (last one): At the moment, the supplier cannot provide this product, but our inventory system indicates there's one unit left. We will confirm its availability when you place an order.
Not yet released (soon), a long wait is expected: This product has only been announced. The release is expected to be at least one month away.
Restock coming (restock), a long wait is expected: The supplier has confirmed a restock for this product, but it will take at least one month before it's available.
Pre-order available (no stock on hand), import costs to be shared (100/200 for new inspection fee): We do not currently have this product in stock. We will confirm its availability and provide the latest quote when you place an order. Also, the inspection fee for imported toy products will be shared.
可能還剩最後1個(last one):我們庫存系統上面還有一個,下單時會幫您找出確認
Potentially only 1 left (last one): Our inventory system indicates there is one unit left. We will confirm its availability when you place an order.
可能還剩最後幾個(last copies):我們庫存系統上面還有2-3個,下單時會幫您找出確認
Potentially only a few left (last copies): Our inventory system shows that there are 2-3 units left. We will confirm their availability when you place an order.
Pre-order available (no stock on hand), no additional toy inspection fee required: We do not currently have this product in stock. We will confirm its availability and provide the latest quote when you place an order.
Coming soon: There's no stock at present, but it should be available within a month.
需要跟廠商補貨(need restock):目前沒有庫存,下單後會跟廠商訂貨,如果有貨的話約莫一個禮拜左右可以出貨
Currently, there is no inventory available. After placing an order, we will contact the manufacturer to order the goods. If the goods are available, they can be shipped in approximately one week.
Stock should be sufficient (enough): We have at least 4 units in the system, but please confirm with customer service for large orders.