商品屬性 | |
遊戲作者 | Tim Fowers,  |
一刷出版 | 2017年 |
遊戲人數 | 2~2人 |
遊戲時間 | 20分鐘 |
建議年齡 | 10歲以上 |
遊戲分類 | 唬弄 ,  卡片遊戲 ,  推理 ,  數字 ,  Spies / Secret Agents ,  |
遊戲機制 | 手牌管理,  隱藏移動,  記憶,  祕密單位部署,  |
爆腦程度 | 輕量級  1.6559 |
文字用量 | 有一點點必須的字,有小張幫助表或是稍微記憶即可 |
家族成員 | Crowdfunding: Verkami,  Digital Implementations: Tabletopia,  Mechanism: Card Line,  Misc: LongPack Games,  Players: Two-Player Only Games,  |
Fugitive is a two-player card game set in the world of Burgle Bros. One player is a fugitive trying to make it out of town while being pursued by an unstoppable agent. The fugitive plays cards face down to the table trying to work their way to a goal, while the agent must guess those cards to uncover them. If all the cards are face up, the fugitive is caught.