BGG Thematic Rank_卡牌屋桌上遊戲
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排名 縮圖 名稱 連結
1 Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 (瘟疫危機-承傳 第一季) 購買
2 幽港迷城 + Folded Space收納 (Gloomhaven) 斷貨
3 Twilight Imperium 4th Edition (帝國曙光第四版) 購買
4 War of the Ring (魔戒聖戰第二版) 購買
5 Star Wars: Rebellion (星際大戰:反抗軍) 購買
6 Frosthaven (寒霜迷城) 購買
7 幽港迷城:雄獅蠻顎 (Gloomhaven: Jaws of lion) 購買
8 Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated 購買
9 Oathsworn: Into the Deepwood (宣誓者:進入深林) 購買
10 瘟疫危機-傳承 第零季(Pandemic Legacy: Season 0) 購買
11 無盡骸骨 / 骸骨險境(Too many bones) 斷貨
12 Nemesis (復仇女神號) 斷貨
13 詭鎮奇談卡牌版 (阿克漢驚魂 Arkham Horror 卡牌版)【主遊戲】 購買
14 沉睡的神祉豪華大全套 (Sleeping Queen) 購買
15 Mage Knight Board Game 魔法騎士 (另出大盒版) 斷貨
16 Too Many Bones Undertow
17 Kingdom Death Monster
18 瘟疫危機-傳承 第二季 (Pandemic Legacy: Season 2) 購買
19 克蘇魯:死亡湮滅 (Cthulhu: Death May Die) 購買
20 Obsession 斷貨
21 瘋狂詭宅二版 (Mansions of Madness: 2nd Edition) 購買
22 Mechs Vs Minions
23 星際大戰:帝國突襲 (Star Wars: Imperial Assault) 購買
24 Final Girl
25 ISS異星奇旅 (ISS Vanguard) 購買
26 復仇女神號:全面封鎖 (Nemesis: Lockdown) 購買
27 污痕聖杯:阿瓦隆的殞落 (Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon) 斷貨
28 魔戒:中洲征途 (The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth) 斷貨
29 Sky Team (藍天團隊) 購買
30 魯濱遜漂流記:詛咒島之謎 (Robinson Crusoe) 購買
31 The 7th Continent (第七大陸)【KS版】 購買
32 Battlestar Galactica 星際大爭霸 斷貨
33 Twilight Imperium Third Edition
34 Return Dark Tower
35 Xia Legends Drift System
36 全球驚悚 (Eldritch Horror) 購買
37 War of the Ring (First Edition) 斷貨
38 Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game 斷貨
39 Welcome Moon
40 John Company (約翰公司二版) 購買
41 Middara Unintentional Malum Act 1
42 Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective 斷貨
43 Chaos in the Old World 邪神之戰 斷貨
44 Dune: The Board Game (沙丘魔堡) 購買
45 This War of Mine (這是我的戰爭) 購買
46 Star Wars Outer Rim
47 忘海傳記 (Forgotten Waters) 購買
48 Near and Far (近與遠) 購買
49 Cthulhu Wars (克蘇魯之戰) 斷貨
50 Nemos War Second Edition
51 Horrified
52 Descent: Journeys in the Dark (深入絕地二版) 購買
53 石器時代2.0史前部落 (Stone Age 2.0/Paleo) 購買
54 Frostpunk (冰封龐克) 購買
55 Dawn Zeds Third Edition
56 The King's Dilemma (王權困境) 購買
57 Aeon Trespass Odyssey
58 Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game (案件偵查:現代犯罪桌遊) 購買
59 西部傳奇 (Western Legends) 購買
60 深海諜影新版 (Captain Sonar) 斷貨
61 阿卡迪亞戰記 (Arcadia Quest) 斷貨
62 Cosmic Encounter (銀河遭遇戰) (另出42週年版) 斷貨
63 Star Wars Armada
64 Zombicide: Black Plague (無盡殺戮:黑死病) 購買
65 死亡寒冬 (Dead of Winter) 購買
66 Runewars Revised Edition (符文之戰2版) 斷貨
67 劍與魔法:不朽之魂【簡中】 (Sword & Sorcery: Immortal Souls) 斷貨
68 Destinies 購買
69 詭鎮奇談版圖版第三版 (Arkham Horror: 3rd Edition) 斷貨
70 Legendary Marvel DBG (漫威英雄套牌構築遊戲) 購買
71 深入絕地:暗黑世界傳說 (Descent: Legends of the Dark) 購買
72 推理事件簿 (Chronicles of Crime) 購買
73 無盡黑暗2:冥界煉獄 購買
74 Blood Bowl Living Rulebook
75 Shadows Of Brimstone City Of The Ancients
76 Exit: The Abandoned Cabin 購買
77 Project Elite
78 時間守望 (T.I.M.E Stories) 購買
79 Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile (KS) 購買
80 死亡寒冬:漫漫長夜 (Dead of Winter: The Long Night) 斷貨
81 地城寵物 (Dungeon Petz) 購買
82 The Witcher: Old World Deluxe (獵魔士:巫師舊世界豪華版) 購買
83 Unsettled
84 銀河卡車司機 (Galaxy Trucker) 【受潮】 購買
85 千年之刃 (Millennium Blades) 購買
86 Exit: Dead Man on the Orient Express 購買
87 德古拉之怒 (Fury of Dracula) 購買
88 Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Jack Ripper W
89 Undaunted: North Africa 購買
90 Space Hulk (third edition) 斷貨
91 太空警報 (Space Alert) 購買
92 My Fathers Work
93 罪案疑雲:天使之城【簡中版】(Detective: City of Angels) 購買
94 The Battle of Five Armies (五軍之戰) 購買
95 Burgle Bros (扒手兄弟/扒手集團) 購買
96 Freedom Underground Railroad
97 Dune
98 Merchants & Marauders (商人與掠奪者) 購買
99 大搜查!英勇冒險 (Unlock! Heroic Adventures) 購買
100 Blood Bowl Team Manager Card Game